Science Cafe

UPDATE: Check out the awesome radio spot now playing on 91.1 FM WMUA.

It's time for another Science Cafe!

Out of the Dark: Demystifying Bats
Monday, Oct. 3rd, 5:30pm
Esselon Café, 99 Russell Street Hadley MA

Bats.  To many, they conjure images of dusty attics, belfries, rabies, blood-sucking tendencies, and of course, Halloween.  We cry foul! Er, mostly.  Join us for a night of dispelling some common batty misconceptions in a spooky format with a dose of engaging scientific exchange. Dr. Betsy Dumont  will join the conversation and discuss some of her own research on the world’s coolest flying mammals.  We hope you’ll join us too!

The Café event will begin at 5:30pm – after hours at Esselon.  Drinks and light snacks will be available for purchase, but the kitchen won’t be available for heavier fare.

What the Heck is a Science Cafe?

The OEB Science Café is produced by the Organismic and Evolutionary Biology (OEB)  Program at the University of Massachusetts Amherst.  The Science Café series is designed to facilitate an engaging science discussion outside university walls in an informative but relaxed atmosphere.  Each event is focused on a single topic, with a guest speaker, quiz bowl, and questions and answer.  All events are free and open (targeted to!) the public.