Tuesday, June 14, 2011

How Birds Can Make Better Lasers

When we think of parrots and toucans, images of bright and vivid feathers come to mind. It comes as no surprise, then, that these vibrantly colored feathers have attracted the attention of physicists trying to create a better kind of laser. Professor Hui Cao from Yale is at the head of this research group looking towards bird feathers for inspiration.

In the simplest form possible, laser technology involves bouncing light back and forth between two mirrors. In between the two mirrors lies a gain medium that amplifies a particular wavelength of light, and after many passes through the medium, the light gains power and is projected outward in a laser beam. Large amounts of research have gone into maximizing the number of times light bounces back and fourth inside the gain medium, thereby creating a more powerful laser output.

One technique involves drilling holes in specialized glass, creating an array of holes in random positions. When light travels through these randomly placed holes in the glass, it can bounce back and fourth many times between holes, and effectively gain a large amount of power before being emitted as as laser beam. The downside to this approach is that the process is very random and greatly inefficient. Here’s where the birds come in.

Brightly colored bird feathers take advantage of bouncing and amplifying light. In the feathers of brightly colored birds, air pockets exist at the nano scale level and bounce light back and fourth many times before being emitted out through the air pockets. Additionally, the air pockets in bird feathers are specifically tuned to amplify the wavelengths of light most characteristic of their feathers. It seems that though the position and placement of these air pockets appear random, at a smaller scale the air pockets are ordered in a very specific way. Professor Cao found this method of light amplification was not only efficient, but also modifiable. By changing the distance between the holes, the research team could change the color of light being amplified by the system. By studying a natural system of light amplification, Professor Cao and her research team have found a way to create more powerful and controllable lasers.

For more information, check out the publication here:

-Michael Rosario

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